Who could ever remember a life without Mobile computing. First came the car phone, then remote computing. Next it was Blackberries, and today it’s smartphones. We can reach out to anyone, anytime and get replies in minutes. What a wonderful life. Almost!
Psychologists are discovering that we now live in a five minute world. It’s that golden time that is your own until you are interrupted. We all experience it. The computer goes “bing” telling you a new email just arrived. Your smartphone vibrates to let you know you’ve been texted. Your customer calls you on the desk phone. Then Joe, your neighbour in the next cubicle, pops his head in to tell you about his wild weekend. No wonder you feel like you never get things done.
This five minute world has unintended consequences. We never have time to learn. Learning requires concentration. So in a world of interruptions it becomes impossible to master the skills of the very technology that gave us this wonderful life. From the very beginning Fivel has adopted the short, concise learning moments long before the term microlearning had not been invented.
Sure we can take a course, watch a video, or view a PowerPoint tutorial online but alas, “I don’t have 30 minutes (or longer) to take it”. So we suffer through until we have an accidental ‘Learning Moment’. That moment occurs when your coworker notices you struggling to email directly from the photocopier. So they offer to show you the easy steps it takes to send that document whisking away into cyberspace. Relief and glee are immediate. “I have conquered you, Mr. Evil Photocopier!”.
Microlearning is a better way to learn how to use the technology tools you use everyday?
Final thought: Convenience leads to efficiency, efficiency leads to productivity and productivity leads to profitability.
To schedule a Discovery Cal, Email: learnmore@fivel.ca