If your experience with change management projects is similar to mine, you know that it is a painfully slow process to get everyone engaged in a new processes or systems that are being implemented. While there are some early adopters, most users tend to drag out the change for as long as possible. In the […]
CEO Insights
Learning’s 80% Wastage vs. Retention’s Path to Profit
Organizations spend billions of dollars every year on training their employees. Is this the worst investment a corporation ever makes? According to the results, the answer is YES! It is well established by neural and behavioural scientists that people forget upwards of 80 percent of what they are taught within 2-3 weeks. There is even a catchy […]
Creating Passionate Cisco, LinkedIn, Google and Microsoft Users
Customer loyalty is powerful. Customer passion for your solution is gold. Why have brands like Apple been so successful that their customers will line up for hours in front of an Apple store to buy their products? Yes, their designs are cool, but Apple’s long history of passionate customers has much more to do with […]
Don’t Risk Confusing Retain with Train
Having a wrong objective can easily lead to a wrong result. This is often the case whenever companies engage employees in knowledge transfer of new systems or processes. A project implementation team’s goal is often to ensure that everyone “goes through the training”. Success is proclaimed when completed. But there is much more. Training is […]
A CEO’s Key Role is Their Biggest Challenge
Surveys of CEO’s identify organizational change as their most important role in a company. They also rank employee adoption or change as their leading problem. Today’s business landscape rewards organizations that are nimble, move quickly and adapt to market needs. Since user adoption is the linchpin of all successful change projects, no matter the size, […]
3 Steps to Improving Organizational Change
AS HUMANS, WE DON’T TAKE WELL TO CHANGE There are 3 main reasons why we resist. 1. Change interrupts the way our brain works. Our brains develop pathways (sometimes referred to as muscle memory) as a way of reducing the number of calories it has to burn. Yes, thinking can produce smoke that comes out […]