At Fivel, we use the words "User Adoption" to describe what it means to get your employees on board and fully using new technology or corporate processes. But why is User Adoption important in the first place? Now, more than ever, you need to get the full ROI on your technology solutions and corporate processes as soon as possible.
It took 100 years for society to adopt electricity. It took only 5 years for it to adopt mobile phones.
Technology is changing at an alarming rate. Companies are also deploying technology in every aspect of their business. In fact, it is hard to think of a function today that doesn't rely on a software or technology platform to perform a task.
CIOs are on the front line of these changes. In the past, IT departments were looked on to install and maintain a company's infrastructure. Today, CIOs are subject to an increasing demand to take some responsibility for end user adoption and ongoing use.

Responsibility to deliver or support systems is no longer enough. Organizations expect fast results from their technology investment. With the increasing changes in technology, combined with software releases occurring 3-5 times a year, CIOs and Line-of-Business owners must find new ways to cope.
Organizations are adapting by using new tools like webinars and self-serve portals. But how well do they work? Research shows that they are only 22% effective in achieving targeted levels of user engagement. Technology vendors agree.
Training is often considered a checkbox in a project, yet it has a significant impact on a project's success. When the emphasis is on training, and not engagement, is it surprising the results are so poor?
Motivated self-learners are only 15% of your employees. How do you assist the other 85%?
Learning should be viewed as an event and not an end in itself. It's not just a "checkbox" on a project plan.
User adoption is an outcome. Let Fivel shift your perspective to change your results.
Fivel's team leverages our knowledge of neuro- and social sciences with proven learning techniques. We have a special understanding and empathy for technology deployments, having years of experience building and implementing applications in complex organizations.
Fivel’s user-focused solution contributes to a culture where innovation, agility, and competitive leadership matters.